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Found 38386 results for any of the keywords of god the father. Time 0.026 seconds.
Evangelical Fishers Of MenGod raised Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion and is exalted as the Christ and Lord and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is the firstborn of all creation and is the procreation of God the Father.
Frequently Asked QuestionsDon't see your question relating to the oneness of God? Email me here and I will address it.
HOW TO RECEIVE GOD S FREE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE! Prime Life MinistrieRomans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Noteworthy Messages - Holy LoveHours may change due to inclement weather.
Bible StudyFor there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” (I John 5:7).
Graces Blessings - Holy LoveHeaven imparts many Blessings to those souls who visit the property or certain shrines at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. Some do not require an in-person visit to the Shrine,
Is Jesus Father GODWho, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Doctrinal Studies | NeverThirstyOn this page you will discover a series of Bible studies on important Bible doctrines. These studies cover both basic and a some advanced doctrines.
The Deity of ChristThis lecture presents what the Bible says about the deity of Christ.
Chronological Study #7 Part 2CHRONOLOGICAL MAIN PAGE
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